Selkirk Water Supply Regular Meeting

Notice and Agenda

Selkirk Water Supply Corporation Bi-Monthly Meeting

Posting Date on or before – July 6, 2021


The Board of Directors of Selkirk Water Supply Corporation, a non-profit corporation organized under Texas Water Code Chapter 67, located in the community of Selkirk Island in Matagorda County, Texas hereby gives notice in accordance with the Texas Government Code, section 551 et seq, that the board meeting is to be held at the Selkirk Island Volunteer Fire Station, 1203 County Road 243, Bay City, Texas on Friday, July 9, 2021 at 6:00 PM.


  1. Meeting Called to Order by President Karen Crain; Quorum
  2.    Visitors Introduced
  3. Approve May 14, 2021 Minutes
  4. Operator’s Report-Willie jobs; Meter reading; Reports, TCEQ testing-Third Coast    6/22/2021; Loss of Water Pressure on 6/4/2021 with Mercer call out; Alerts from AEP to Willie; Tank Inspection form Monthly; DQLOR due for 2nd qtr-July 10?;
  1. Office Manager Reports- RVS; Financial Spreadsheet; Report on other Operator job status; Water loss
  2. Treasury balances-Debbie (Margaret’s absence)
  3.  Compliance Investigation from TCEQ-Backwash devices
  4. Mowing contractor for well sites-Galindo proposal of $60.00 per mow; Tax ID, Regular Monthly invoices (email); Harley key?
  5. EDK exit information; reports for DQLOR; keys; invoices
  6. Arthur Gallagher Insurance Proposal; Need to change size of Pressure tank on #2 well to 3000 gals. As TCEQ has on file (when approved) not what Ron Perrin states. ($2255.00 last year-due Sept.)
  1. Dog Bite update-Debbie
  2. Round Table- TTHM/HAA5- due by 9/2021 Third Coast
  3. Future Agenda items-Emergency plan; Long term plans- new meters & wand Readers; locking flush points; Grants; Budget
  1. Next Regular meeting—Sept. 10, 2021
  2. Adjournment