Selkirk Water Board Meeting

All owners welcome to come!

Notice of Meeting

Selkirk Water Supply Corporation

MAY 6, 2016


The Board of Directors of Selkirk Water Supply Corporation, a non-profit corporation organized under Texas Water Code Chapter 67, located in the community of Selkirk Island in Matagorda County, Texas herby gives notice in accordance with the Texas Government Code, section 551 et seq, that the board meeting is to be held at the Selkirk Island Volunteer Fire Station, 1203 County Road 243, Bay City, Texas Friday, May 6, 2016 at 7:00 PM.  The purpose of the meeting:


  1. Meeting called to order by President Harley Aaron; Quorum present; All signed in
  2. Approve March 11, 2016 meeting minutes
  3. Review current financials; Approval of items if needed
  4. Monthly Operations Report-Kristine Morales
  5. Update on replacement of storage tank as required by TCEQ at #3 well
  6. Discuss finalization of land transfer from old tank location back to the Poinsett family; Motion  carried on Sept.23, 2013 to move equipment; Lease back at no charge until new equipment on installed and approved; Sale of old tanks; Action may be needed
  7. 6. Loan status at Prosperity Bank and tally of actual expenditures to date
  8. Discuss financial liability for damages to SWSC property and policy development; review Tariff fees
  9. Discussion on “Late payment” policies acc. to Tariff fees
  10. Discuss current Insurance coverage and future needs for SWSC; coverage updated yearly in July; renewal in September
  11. Clarification on Board of Director three year terms
  12. Open Forum- any other discussions
  13. Announcements: next meeting scheduled for Friday, July 1, 2016 at 7:00pm
  14. Adjournment

Debbie Pilcik, Sec. for WSC

Selkirk Maintenance Sect. 1,2 and Add. A, Inc.

The Selkirk Maintenance Section I, II, and Addition A, Inc. will hold it regular quarterly public meeting at the Selkirk Island Volunteer Fire station, 1203 County Road 243, Bay City, Texas on Sunday, March 13, 2016 at 2 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to: Elected Officers to the HOA 2016 Board of Directors and conduct the usual business at hand.

Pay bills; approve January minutes and treasury to date; Road improvements; Architectural submissions; Attorney recommendations on Delinquent owners; Violations to Deed restrictions.

All owners invited and encouraged to attend.

Selkirk Water Supply Corporation Annual Meeting


The Board of Directors of Selkirk Water Supply Corporation, a non-profit corporation organized under Texas Water Code Chapter 67, located in the community of Selkirk Island in Matagorda County, Texas, hereby gives notice in accordance with the Texas Government Code, section 551 et seq, that a public meeting is to be held at the Selkirk Island Volunteer Fire Station, 1203 County Road 243, Bay City, Texas Friday, March, the 11th at 7:00 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to:
1. Presiding Director calls the meeting to order.
2. Independent Election Auditor reports whether a quorum is established consisting of the proxies and the members present in person.
3. Presiding Director calls for remaining ballots to be submitted to the Election Auditor.
4. Election Auditor collects and counts the ballots.
5. System update from Ken Savage.
6. Financial report from Kris Morales.
7. Open forum from members who signed up to speak – limited to three minutes each.
8. Election results from the Election Auditor in writing.
9. Presiding Director announces election results.
10. Board President introduces newly elected directors and if no objections, declares them as board members to assume the position of directors immediately.
11. Comments from the newly elected directors.
12. Closing comments by President and meeting adjournment.

1. Election of board officers.
2. Read and approve minutes of the January 23, 2016 meeting.
3. Approve financial report
4. Discuss new well site progress
5. Discuss 2016 Budget and approve same.
6. Open Forum.
7. Closing comments by the President and adjournment.

Selkirk Water Supply Corp. Meeting

The Board of Directors of Selkirk Water Supply is scheduled to meet on Saturday, January 23rd at 2pm at the Volunteer Fire Station. Updates on the new well equipment status and engineer discussions planned. Financials also to be discussed. All owners are invited to the open forum.

Selkirk Maintenance Homeowners’ Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting for the Homeowners’ in  Selkirk Maintenance Section I, II, and Addition A, Inc. is scheduled for Sunday, January 10, 2016 at the Volunteer fire station (1203 CR 243).  The election of Board of Directors is  at 2:00pm with Business meeting to follow.  All owners are encouraged to come. If you have an agenda item please give notice. Financial statements will be available. Thank you.

Letters to Selkirk Owners Sept. 2015

All owners were mailed the revised rules for the Boat Ramp and a letter asking for help with Boat Ramp problems to ensure safety and security.

The Selkirk Boat Ramp must remain closed AT ALL TIMES!

“If YOU don’t have a key to get in the gate-YOU won’t have a key to get out.”  Please DO NOT bother the neighboring owners. Call a locksmith.

New Signs are  being constructed with rules posted. Please follow all.

New Key acknowledgement sheets  were also mailed.  EACH OWNER is required to complete, sign and return to your Homeowners’ Association as soon as possible.

Thank you for your help.